

pi·lot·ing – (pī′lə-tĭng)

to act as a guide, keeping those that follow on the correct path; to find ways to avoid or overcome difficulties; to keep a course and maneuver correctly through rough conditions

Sara Pilot and family


Hi!  Welcome to my page!  My name is Sara Pilot, and I’m thankful that you stopped by!

I’m a wife to the love of my life, mama to two precious little boys, and a lover of all things that make life amazing.  The historic city of Mobile, Alabama is our home, where we take advantage of all the scenic Gulf Coast has to offer.  We mix in trips to the beach and countryside with plenty of downtime at home with our babies.  We’re a young couple trying to figure it all out, gladly sharing our experiences along the way!

Feel free to look around the site and ask me any questions!  Our story is still being written, so follow along with us as we pilot our family through life’s obstacles.


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